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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 4

Autor:Nöth, Winfried
Naslov:Narrative self-reference in a literary comic : M.-A. Mathieu's 'L'Origine'
Matična publikacija:Semiotica : journal of the international association for semiotic studies = Revue de l'association internationale de sémiotique / editor-in-chief Marcel Danesi. - Vol. 165 - 1/4 (2007); str. 173-190
Impresum:Berlin, New York : Mouton de Gruyter
Napomena:Special issue: Semiotics of literature / guest editor Jorgen Dines Johansen. - 13 bibl. jedinica
Sažetak:Narratives in literature and even in the comics have become self-referential. A self-referential narrative sign is one that represents itself. The sign is its own object, narrating and narrated time become conflated. Instead of narrating a story, a self-referential narrative narrates that it narrates and how or why the characters in the narrative have found their way into the narative. M.-A. Mathieu's 'L'Origine' is a self-referential comic book story of a protagonist who learns from his narrators, a ream of comic book artists, that he exists only on the paper of a comic book. Two semiotic devices of delf-referential verbal and pictorial narrating are distinguished and examined. Iconic self-reference is exemplified by self-repeating signs and signs that represent themselves in the form of mirror texts of self.referential pictures in the picture (mise en abyme). Indexical self-reference is exemplified by the devices of fragmentation and metalepsis, the participation of a narrator in the narrative events. Metalepsis leads to narrative paradoxes and is a major source of humor.
Ključne riječi:semiotika književnosti * autoreferencija * pripovjedni znak * vrijeme pripovijedanja * metalepsa * paradoks * strip
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Bal, Mieke
Naslov:Narratology : introduction to the theory of narrative / Mieke Bal
Izdanje:2nd ed
Impresum:Toronto [etc.] : University of Toronto Press , 2002
Materijalni opis:[xvi], 254 str. ; 23 cm
Napomena:1. izd. 1985. - Str.[233]-240: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:pripovijedanje -- teorija * teorija pripovijedanja * naratologija * prostor u pripovjednom tekstu * vrijeme u pripovjednom tekstu * književni lik
Signatura:82.0 BAL N-2
Inventarni broj:04/136, 04/137, 04/138
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Ricoeur, Paul
Naslov:Vreme i priča : prvi tom / Pol Riker ; prevele s francuskog Slavica Miletić (prvi deo) i Ana Moralić (drugi deo)
Impresum:Sremski Karlovci ; Novi Sad : Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića , 1993
Materijalni opis:296 str. ; 22 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Theoria
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Temps et récit / Paul Ricoeur. - 2MUVF
Ključne riječi:priča * vrijeme * povijest * historija * Francuska * zaplet * pripovijedanje -- teorija * teorija pripovijedanja * naratologija * historiografija
Ostali autori / urednici:Miletić, Slavica ; Moralić, Ana
Signatura:82.0 RIC V
Inventarni broj:07/40, 07/41, 08/290, 08/291
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Fleischman, Suzanne
Naslov:Tense and narrativity : from medieval performance to modern fiction / by Suzanne Fleischman
Impresum:Austin : University of Texas Press , 1990
Materijalni opis:XIII, 443 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Texas linguistics series
Ključne riječi:pripovijedanje -- teorija * teorija pripovijedanja * naratologija * diskurs * analiza diskursa * gramatika -- vrijeme * srednjovjekovna književnost
Sažetak:Chapter I. Working definitions and operational preliminaries. -1.1. Tense. -1.2. Aspect. -1.3. Situation types. -3.4. Grammar, discourse, and the meaning of tense-aspect categories. -1.5. Tenses pf the past system. -1.6. Tenses of the present system. -1.7. Tense-aspect in early Romance. -Chapter 2. A theory of tense-aspect in narrative based on markedness. -2.1. The concept of markedness. -2.2. Markedness and tense-aspect ategories in narrative. -Chapter 3: "Ungrammatical" tenses: background of the question. -3.1 Scope and phenomenon. -3.2. Diegetic and mimetic discourse. -3.3. Grammatical "freedom" of the early vernaculars. -3.4. Tense alternaton as a mark of "litrary" écritures. -3.5. Prosodic considerations. -3.6. Aspectual hypotheses and "Situation types". -3.7. The historical present: The "past-more-vivid". -3.8. The narrative present, historical present, and present tense. -3.9. Participant tracking. -3.10. From oral performance to écriture: Oral residue in written texts. -3.11. Performed stories: Medieval and modern, natural and artificial. -Chapter 4: Narrative discourse: typological considerations. -1.1. Verbal representations of experience: story structure and reality structure. -4.2. Differentia specifica of narrative textuality. -4.3. Stories, narratives, and other verbalizations of experience. -4.4. Narrative fiction. -4.5. Modes of discourse: "storytelling" and "communication". -4.6. Linguistic marks of storytelling. -4.7. Tense and aspect as metalinguistic signals of narrative genres. -Chapter 5: The linguistic structure of nattative. -Part I. Temporal structure. -5.1. Speaker-now and story-now. -5.2 Retrospective discourse and prospective time. -5.3. Iconic sequence and the narrative norm. -Part II. Text structure. -5.4. The global structure of narrative. -5.5. Evaluation. -5.6. Adapting the natural narrative model to complex narrations. -5.7. The clausal structure of narrative. -5.8. Conclusion. -Chapter 6. Textual functions. -Part I. Grounding: The "texture" of the text. -6.1. The foreground-background contrast. -6.2. Toward a theory of grounding. -6.3. Grounding and parataxis. -6.4. Tense-aspect and grounding. -6.5. Creating cohesion: The chansons de geste. -Part II. Boundary marking: The "space" of the text. -6.6. Tense switching and the segmentation of narrative texts. -Part III. Information blocking: the "tempo" of the text. -6.7. "Co-subordinate" nexus. -6.8. Pacing the discourse. -Chapter 7. Expressive functions. -7.1. Point of view and focalization. -7.2. The speaer and the experiencer. -7.3. Free indirect discourse. -7.4. Interior monologue. -7.5. Tense, temporality, and focalization. -7.6. Time, tense, and memory in Proust. -7.7. Point of view and the perfect. -7.8. Tense-aspet andpoint of view in natural narration. -7.9. Conclusion. -Chapter 8. Metalinguistic functions: storytelling in the present. -8.1. Epic storytelling: narration without time. -8.2. Romencero: the fragmeting of narrative. -8.3. The historical present and beyond. -8.4. Transformations of narration in th nouveau roman. -8.5. Present-tense fiction: where is it moving?
UDK:82.0 * 82.07
Namjena :poslijediplomski studij književnosti
Signatura:82.0 FLE T
Inventarni broj:III-890
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(vrijeme pripovijedanja )
